Thursday, 10 May 2012

Appropriate timing...

So less than a week after writing a blog post about photography, and how I'd like to continue to take opportunities to use my skills to help groups or projects that can't afford to pay a photographer, I get an request to do just that. And for a project I'm really excited about. So how could I say no?

The Feeding the 5000 event is this weekend in Bristol. Aiming to highlight the problems with food waste, the plan is to cook a free meal for 5000 people from surplus food that would have gone to waste.

It's such  an awesome event that I signed up to volunteer at it. I filled in the volunteer form, and under the skills section mentioned that I'd done some event photography in the past. And then I thought no more of it. Last night I got an email asking if I'd be their photographer. 20% excited, 80% terrified, I said yes. It's an amazing opportunity to be able to properly help out a project that I passionately believe in. I'm not entirely sure where I'm going to find the time to edit all the photos - I've got a holiday to plan and a photo exhibition to finish and hang, but I'm sure I'll find a way!

More about the event (hopefully with some photos!) to come soon...

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