Thursday, 2 February 2012

The honeymoon period is officially over...

The first month of this project was pretty easy. It was all exciting and new, and full of good ideas.

And now it's starting to sink in that things aren't going to be that easy.

Today I forgot to buy any milk, and my nearest cornershop doesn't stock organic milk. So it's either an early morning trip to the further away shop, or a different breakfast for me. Turns out my memory isn't quite up to the task yet.

Cooking is getting trickier - a lot of my go-to meals involve meat (which I'm trying to eat less of, and mostly used to come from supermarkets), so a lot more time is going into working out what I'm going to eat at the moment. I'm sure this'll get easier as I expand my vegetarian repertoire, but at the moment, it's seeming a little challenging. Fingers crossed this weekend's weekly shop will help.

I'm also feeling like I'm constantly lacking in knowledge about the right/wrong things. I have a huge stack of books to read that I need to get through before I can make some of the decisions I need to make, but I'm struggling to find the time to read them, make the changes and then write about them in a remotely up to date fashion. I've started several books, skimmed some parts of them and then had to move on because I need to get onto the next one, and the stack never seems to get any smaller...

But two good things have happened today.

1) My first veg box arrived. The reality of eating seasonally is apparent, with a good chunk of it being potatoes and carrots, but there's also beetroot, leeks, a squash and a cabbage to add a bit of variety.

2) I've been getting some RSI style twinges in my arms this week (no, that's not the good thing), and this is likely due to too much computer usage. Work are buying me an ergonomic keyboard as I found in the past that really helped, but obviously that doesn't help me outside work with all my writing, which is done on a laptop. So I put a quick message up on the freeconomy website asking if anyone has a spare one they're not using, and offering some skills/baked goods in exchange. And bingo, someone's offered me one. It feels good, because not long ago I would have just gone online and with a click of a few buttons, bought myself a new one. I've realised, in reality there must be a lot of people with that kind of thing sitting on a shelf gathering dust somewhere.

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