Sunday, 8 January 2012

The reading list...

So I've started doing some reading in preparation for the next 12 months, and my bookshelves are bulging. This is what my reading list contains so far...

  • The Story of Stuff - Film and book
  • The Greatest Movie Ever Sold - Film
  • No Logo - Book
  • The Savvy Shopper - Book
  • Not on the Label - Book
  • The Good Shopping Guide - Book
  • Ethical consumer - Online subscription
  • Food, Inc - Film
  • The No-Nonsense Guide to Fairtrade/Globalisation - Book
  • Why We Buy – The Science of Shopping - Book
  • The Moneyless Man - Book
  • The Rough Guide to Ethical Living - Book
  • Sacred Economics - Book
  • Enough - Breaking Free from the World of Excess - Book
  • Hungry City - Book
  • Time to Eat the Dog - The Real Guide to Sustainable Living - Book
  • Waste - Uncovering the Global Food Scandal - Book
  • The Corporation - Book/Film
  • Cradle to Cradle - Book
Any suggestions for other things I should read?


  1. ..... How about .... 'The Life Laundry: How to Dejunk your life.....a copy of which I found in the Oxfam bookshop, which would imply the techniques recommended in the book obviously worked on someone ;-)

    On a more serious note.... a great book I would recommend is 'Affluenza' by Oliver James. VERY VERY eye opening book. He refers to 'the affluenza virus' as being the reason for things such as over consumerism in the West. Great Book. Read it. When you have time. Only thing is, it will probably set you off on a whole new set of 'life' projects!


  2. Yep! Here's a suggestion for a good book, it's called Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer, whether you are vegetarian or not (which I already am) the book poses interesting questions about, amongst other things, where the meat that we buy comes from, the effect that the meat industry has on the environment, the amount of food that is wasted in production and so on. Seems relevant to your project, which is great by the way. I read it after watching Food, Inc which was a great film. Also, I just read about this film today online, thought it might interest you:

  3. Thanks guys. Will add them to my list :)

  4. I've bought a copy of "The Hidden Persuaders", after watching "The Century of the Self" - I'll pass it on when I'm finished with it.

  5. I've read Eat your Heart Out, which Felicity Lawrence wrote after Not on the Label, and have heard that it's more in depth and up to date than Not on the Label. There is apparently a lot of overlap so no point reading both, but if you haven't bought/borrowed Not on the Label yet, I'd recommend Eat your Heart Out instead...
    Great blog by the way!

  6. Cheers Philip.

    Alexa - I've got a copy of Not on the Label (£1 in a charity shop!) but have put Eat Your Heart Out on my library wish list so will def give that a look too...
